Special interests

We are curious about everything because so many factors influence the future of organisations, countries and the world. We do have special interests about factors which are especially important and perhaps not well enough understood.

Drivers of consumer spending

Many factors influence consumer spending and the size of their influence is variable. Accordingly, we have a suite of over a dozen indicators which are tracked frequently. Some are economic and some are psychological.

A leading indicator for household consumption expenditure in Australia

Climate change

Some progress has been made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions but there has been no reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Technological developments will eventually help but community attitudes and commitments by governments are still holding back progress.

Trends in climate change and belief in climate change

Rainfall cycles

Rainfall in some locations varies over time and some of this variation is influenced by astronomical cycles. This provides a degree of predictability for rainfall several years ahead.

Predicting rainfall cycles in southeastern Australia